Tuesday, August 31, 2010

10 skrivtips till romanförfattaren

"A pet peeve of Drusilla’s is the use of the word ‘as’ to connote simultaneous action. She threw her coat off as she plowed through the door. He sighed as he rubbed his hand over his face. Writers are often trying to place action into the story in an attempt to bring us into the setting. Write each action on it’s own and make sure that the action takes us somewhere and moves the story forward. If you are using ‘as’ be sure that the action is happening at the same time, and that it makes sense."
Författarcoachen Cynthia Morris delar med sig av skrivråd hon fick på en workshop.
Bra råd som dyker upp överallt om och om igen, men som man kan behöva påminnas om.
Obs! Det handlar alltså inte om experimentell, egenartad litteratur, utan mer om basic berättande, att skapa en fungerande berättelse med framåtrörelse.

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