Wednesday, April 28, 2010

21 bestsellertips

Ingredienser att ha med om du vill skriva en bästsäljare. En lista som baserar sig på tusentals läsaromdömen på Amazon.
Ur "The Writer’s Little Helper" av James V Smith:

1. Nytta (Utility – writing about things that people will use in their life)
2. Information (facts people must have to place your writing in context)
3. Tyngd
4. Fokus
5. Logik (Logic – a coherent system for making your points)
&. En känsla av samhörighet (a sense of connection – the stupid power of personal involvement)
7. En fängslande stil (a compelling style – writing in a way that engages)
8. Humor (a sense of humoor- wit or at least irony)
9. Enkelhet (simplicity – clarity and focus on a single idea)
10. Underhållning (entertainment – the power to get peope to enjoy what you write)
11. Ett rappt tempo (a fast pace – the ability to make your writing feel like a quick read)
12. Bildspråk (imaginery – the power to create pictures with words)
13. Kreativitet (creativity – the ability to invent)
14. Iver (excitement – writing with energy that infects the reader with your own enthusiasm)
15. Trivsel (comfort – writing that imparts a sense of well-being)
16. Lycka (happiness – writing that gives joy)
17. Sanning (truth – or at least fairness)
18. Provocerande (writing that provokes – to make people think or act)
19. Aktivt, minnesvärt (active memorable writing – the poetry in your prose)
20. En WOW-känsla (the wonder your writing imparts on a reader)
21. Upplyftande (transcendence – writing that elevates with its heroism, justice, beauty, honor)

Tips: Ann Ljungberg

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