Thursday, September 20, 2007

Saker som stjäl tid och fokus från skrivandet

Jag känner mig pinsamt träffad av Cynthia Morris lista på aktiviteter och tänk som stjäl tid från skrivandet. Kanske nån mer som känner igen sig?

1. Endless surfing the internet. Sure there’s a lot of great information and you can learn from time spent surfing the internet. Beware of time slipping away as you troll from site to site. I know, I want you to read my blog, but don't let your internet time steal your creative time.
2. TV.
Watching more than 5 hours of TV a week could be a drain on your time and creative energy. How much writing could you do in 5 hours? Unplug yourself from others’ creativity and do something of your own. People seem astounded at how much I get done. Well, it could be all those extra hours I've made use of since I haven't had a TV since 1987. I know, I am righteous about this. But give it to me. It's my ONE point of righteousness.
3. Rambling conversations on the phone.
Connecting with loved ones is great. When the conversation oozes into gossip or rambling, you could be wasting your vital life energy. Create boundaries around your time and make room for yourself.
4. Complaining about not creating.
Talking about what you wish you were doing is a waste of time. How many years have you spent bemoaning your lack of output. The energy it takes to procrastinate and kvetch is put to better use actually creating.
5. Shopping out of boredom.
Buying things is the American way to fill the void. When we’re bored, restless, lonely, angry we often empty our wallets to fill ourselves up. Why not fill up a notebook with your stories instead?
6. Your self-image as a non-achiever
in the creativity department. Embarking on a creative project and actually completing it will change your image of yourself. Make room for a fulfilled, accomplished you.
7. Saying yes to all requests
from friends, family, strangers, etc. When you’re trying to fit something new into your life, you will need to say no to things that you don’t really want to do.
8. Interactions with ’draining’ people.
When you’re trying to go for something scary, the last thing you need is someone asking, “How are you going to do that?” in a tone of voice that is clearly not supportive. Instead, know who your allies are and call them when in need of a boost.
9. Control.
The creative process engages you in one of the world’s greatest mysteries. You may not know what you are doing at any point in the process, and that’s half the fun of it. Be an idiot for once.
10. Low self-esteem.
If you want to create something, you have to have at least a little faith in yourself. Better yet, puff up your ego enough to make something and then do a check-in with yourself. In my experience, most of us don’t go overboard with thinking we’re the cat’s meow. The creative process has enough built-in checks to keep us grounded.
11. Bad eating habits.
What you eat fuels your creativity. If you’re loaded up on sugar and other foodstuffs that seem to fuel your creative energy but really drain you, ditch them. You need all your power to create.
12. Spending more time reading than you do producing.
We have to fill the well, yes, but you also have to dish out the goods. Crack the books and also get cracking on your own work.
13. Thinking that there’s a magical solution somewhere ‘out there.’
Countless wise people point to the fact that we have everything we need right inside us. Sure, we need allies and resources, but if you find yourself saying, oh, I need more money or time or….. then you may be BSing yourself.

Mitt tips är att mentalt stänga in alla dessa tjuvar i ett kassaskåp och sedan slänga nyckeln djupt ner i en sjö och sedan sätta sig ner på riktigt och skriva.

1 comment:

Sama said...

Oops.. Kände mig träffad av mer än en sak på listan. Kanske dags att göra något åt det.