Friday, May 25, 2007

Intervju med Michael Connelly

Sajten Writers Break ( engelsk) med artiklar om skrivande.. Här finns bl a intervjuer med författare, t ex deckarförfattaren Michael Connelly. Tipset kommer från skrivarcoachen Ann Ljungberg.

Thursday, May 24, 2007


En sån där ordmätare som finns på Isabellas blogg skulle jag vilja ha.
Jag har fått en beskrivning från henne hur man gör:
"I bloggens redigeringsläge (Customize) fanns "Add a page element". Klickade på den och hittade bland alternativen HTML/JavaScript. När det hade infogats gick jag till och skrev in mina uppgifter. Fick då en lång html-kod som det bara var att kopiera och klistra in i bloggens nya "page element". Och häpp var det klart."

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Isabellas författarblogg

Isabella kämpar på med ett skrivprojekt.

En text - två författare

Tabitha King (gift med Stephen King) har skrivit en rysare tillsammans med en annan författare. Artikel i Writers Digest.

Barnboksförfattarna Petter Lidbeck och Martin Widmark har skrivit en barnbok tillsammans. artikel i GP.

Läs om deckarparet Roslund och Hellström.

Monday, May 14, 2007

Vonneguts tips

Kurt Vonneguts åtta skrivtips.
Personligen kan jag ställa upp på alla tipsen han ger här. Läs och begrunda. Håller du inte med så är det en vink om din stil, och det är inte heller det sämsta att bli på det klara med. Hur man själv skriver i förhållande till andras stil och litterära ideal.
Bejaka och renodla din stil. Se framför allt till att bli meveten om den, då får du ännu mer ut av den.

Min ebok på topplista!

Tjoho! Nu har jag sålt 100 ex av min e-bok "Kom igång & skriv!"sen slutet av december 2006, och idag har 100 personer laddat ner den från bibliotek (sedan två veckor ca) runtom i Sverige.
Och boken är plats 10 på elibs topplista! Och ibland på plats 9, före Jan Guillou!
Och här ligger den minsann etta!
Å andra sidan säger det mer om hur få personer som egentligen ladda ner e-böcker.....110 nerladdade ex i dagens läge och med på topplista.
Så alla ni som läser detta, kom igen och ladda ner böcker och se till att få upp utlåningsiffrorna!
E-böcker är framtiden! I alla fall de man kan printa ut. Som min.

Friday, May 11, 2007

Debuterande författare bloggar


Drägel....sån här Flybook skulle jag vilja ha som anteckningsblock i min lilla väska.....
Fst jag undrar hur fingrarna mår när tangentbordet är så litet att skriva på.

Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Mammor som skriver

En engelskspråkig sajt inriktad på skrivande mödrar. Kanske nåt även för svenska mammor som inte är föräldrarlediga/hemmafruar?

Att sitta ner och skriva - som att ta din medicin

You’re at home. But the faucet has a drip. The plants could be watered. The
hall could be swept. You are at home, yes, where you do your writing, but
writing isn’t quite on the agenda right at this moment. You feel a little
too muddle-headed to write; and then there’s the drip, the parched ferns and
the dust bunnies. So, although you are at home, just a few feet from your
writing, you might as well be in Kazakhstan, as close as you feel to
So you wait for a better moment. But waiting is very dangerous. If you wait
for a time when your muddle-headedness, mild depression, to-do lists, doubts
about the universe, and a thousand other things you could name are finally
handled or settled, you will wait for a very long time. And as you wait,
nothing good is happening. In fact, you are digging your hole deeper. No,
waiting is a very dangerous game. Why don’t you try the following instead?
Every four hours, just like taking your medicine, maybe at 8 a.m., noon, 4
p.m., and 8 p.m., ask yourself the following question: “Given the exact
circumstances in which I find myself, am I able to write for fifteen
minutes?” If your answer is no, explain to yourself why you are answering
no. If your answer is yes but you don’t start writing, explain to yourself
why, even though you feel able to write, you aren’t writing. If your answer
is yes and you do write, have a chat with yourself (after you’ve finished
writing) about whether this writing stint would have occurred if you hadn’t
checked in with yourself in this experimental way.
People who try this experiment typically report the following. “I wasn’t
able to write every four hours, as that seemed too artificial and arbitrary;
and it also didn’t work very well given the shape of my day. But I did
notice that writing was much more on my mind and in fact I did turn to my
writing more than I probably would have if I hadn’t been thinking about
those writing stints.”
That’s the point of this tactic: to keep your writing on your mind in such a
front and center way that you’re holding the intention to write even as you
pull out the ironing board or pay your bills online. Whenever you find
yourself at home, hold the intention to write, as that intention will
translate into actual writing stints. However it is that you remember to
take your medicine four times a day—whatever facility of mind allows you to
do that—do exactly the same for your writing.
Of course there’s the risk that at your appointed time you’ll find yourself
unable to write; that by not writing you’ll disappoint yourself; and, as a
consequence, you’ll feel even worse than if you hadn’t tried at all. There
is always the risk that you may disappoint yourself. That risk is there even
for productive writers, as most writers don’t write as often as they would
like. Because of this reality, you will need to practice self-forgiveness.
Just so long as you tie self-forgiveness to new resolve, it is wise not to
badger yourself about any writing stints you skipped or any writing you
failed to get accomplished.
We are very clever in the ways that we talk ourselves out of writing. Only
rarely do we say, “I refuse to write today.” More usually we say things
like, “I can’t go shopping without a grocery list, so I had better get that
list written” or “A little nap would be pleasant; no, more than pleasant,
vital.” By talking this way, we make sure that we don’t notice that we’re
holding the strong intention to avoid our writing. The day goes by; some
guilt accumulates; a little bitterness builds; maybe a little depression
flowers. But on balance we’ve achieved our objectives: to avoid writing and
to say nothing to ourselves that might alert us to our shenanigans.
By getting small, regular writing stints on the table, you get some
writing-related inner talk going, even if it’s of the “Oh, time to write—but
I don’t really feel up to it!” sort. That refusal, while disappointing, is
nevertheless better than not thinking about your writing at all. You want to
get a grip on your mind in such a way that your writing intentions exist in
your thoughts. Planning your day around a series of writing stints helps
with this.
Joan, a novelist, explained: “Continually holding the intention to write in
the back of my mind has caused my writing to feature more prominently in my
life. Now I’m always mulling over the next paragraph, ruminating on it
throughout the day, and thinking about where it’s going to lead. Doing this
regular ‘intention holding’ has given me a feeling of power and a new
freedom to think about the work, do the work, and allow the work to flow.”
You could wish to write, but that isn’t quite strong enough. You could want
to write, but that isn’t strong enough either. Intend to write: that is the
steelier orientation.
Eric Maisel i ett av hans nyhetsbrev maj 07. Här är hans hemsida.

Matnyttiga skrivtips

Joan Steinau Lesters skrivtips:

"Books aren't written, they're rewritten." The published words on a page, which read so artfully and gracefully, have likely been worked and reworked countless times. Have patience. With diligent polishing, your sentences too will shine.

1. Does your first paragraph bring readers in? How gripping, mysterious, or compelling can you render it? The opening sentence should be like an arrow shot from a bow: it will shoot through the entire text.

2. Is there a clear setting for your essay or story? Keep anecdotes grounded in specific locations. The more vivid and specific your details, the more memorable the scene. If your action occurs near a tree or shrub, name it: Is it an acacia bursting with yellow buds, a weeping willow that sways in the wind, or a fiery red Japanese maple? Let your enivronment enhance the mood.

3. Is there sufficient dialogue? (That’s the part readers rarely skip.) Read drafts aloud to keep the rhythms lifelike.

4. Does the central character change? We want to see movement and transformation, which is the heart of literature.

5. Can you find needless duplication? Look for synonyms or alternate wording that will keep your manuscript fresh. Most of us have writing "tics," words or phrases that creep onto every page. Be alert to your repetitive habits.

Läs resten här.

Monday, May 07, 2007

The Writers Life too

Läsvärd blogg om skrivande, av författare till bl a böcker om skrivande.
Enbart text, inga bilder.

Friday, May 04, 2007

Min första recension

"Johanna Wistrand har gett ut Eboken ´Kom igån g& skriv!´. Upplägget består av tolv lektioner som kan läsas en per vecka. Vilket gör den utmärkt att använda i skrivarcirklar.
Teori och övningar varvas pedagogiskt med fördjupningsfrågor som är till för att uppmuntra dig och/eller ge stöd.
Vad skiljer då denna skrivhandbok från andra? Inte mycket, du lär dig gestaltning, tidsformer, dialog mm, som i de flesta liknande handböcker. Men Johannas språk är enkelt och tilltalande, vilket är mer än dom flesta författare inom denna generar brukar lyckas med.
Vill du lära dig grunderna i att skriva är ”Kom igång & skriv!” en utmärkt bok att hålla i handen!"
Irène Svensson Räisänen i bloggen "Min plats bland orden"

Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Bärbar dator....

Jag visste inte ens att det fanns såna här mackapärer. Jag har bara drömt om det, typ ett tangentbord att koppla till sin mobil så att man slipper släpa på laptopen överallt.

Blogg om skrivande

En 26-årig kvinna som gått ut naturvetenskaplig högskoleutbildning. "Jag ska hitta jobb, bostad, pojkvän och skriva klart historien jag arbetar på. Jag drömmer nämligen om att bli en publicerad författare, det är dit alla vägar ska leda." Läs i bloggen hur det går med skrivandet.